Noise protection aid scheme
1. Is your property eligible for the noise protection aid scheme?

Note: The Noise Exposure Plan (PEB) is a planning document whose purpose is to control and limit urban development in the noise zones surrounding airports in order to limit the population's exposure to noise.
2. What is the Noise Disturbance Plan (PGS)?
The Noise Disturbance Plan (PGS) is a planning document prepared under the authority of the Prefect, which defines zones in the vicinity of the airport in which properties are eligible for noise protection aids.
The methodology used is identical across all French airports.
The Noise Disturbance Plan defines three different noise exposure zones:
- Zone I is within the Lden 70 noise contour area
- Zone II is within the Lden 65 noise contour area
- Zone III is within the Lden 55 noise contour area
The Noise Disturbance Plan for Basel-Mulhouse Airport was revised in 2015.
The zones concern the following municipalities:
- Bartenheim,
- Blotzheim,
- Hégenheim,
- Hésingue,
- Sierentz
- and Saint Louis.
The full plan can be consulted at the town halls or on the EuroAirport website.
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