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Human resources

Basel-Mulhouse Airport

Governed by the rules of the french-swiss agreement of 1949, Basel-Mulhouse airport is the only bi-national airport in the world. Located on French territory, its site has Swiss customs' zones, which are connected to Basel by a customs' road.

Basel-Mulhouse Airport is the name of a public international institution with its head office in France, which manages the airport site; its main task is to place runways and buildings in good state of repair at its clients' disposal (construction, technical maintenance, parkings, administration, financial and commercial management, marketing, environment, fire safety, human resources management, etc.).

Basel-Mulhouse Airport, administrator of the site, is one of 130 companies of the platform, and its Human Resources Department only manages its own available jobs. It isn't able to give information about job vacancies at the other companies (e.g. receptionists, flight attendants, pilots, air traffic controllers, check-in agents, flight engineers, aircraft maintenance, security agents, cleaning agents, restaurant staff, etc.) situated on the airport grounds.

Professional Equality Index 2023 - Basel-Mulhouse Airport

French Law No. 2018-771 from September 5, 2018 (the so called "Professional Future Act"), as amended by Decree No. 2019-15 of January 8, 2019, imposes on employers a system for evaluating the gender pay gap that leads to a public social rating of the company and, for companies where this gap is excessive, the obligation to implement corrective measures ((Article L 1142-7 to 10 of the French Labor Code [Code du travail]).

The index is based on 5 indicators (calendar year 2023):

  • Indicator of the pay gap between women and men by socio-professional categories and age. EAP rating = 37 points
  • Indicator of the difference in individual pay raises without promotions. EAP rating = 20 points
  • Indicator of the gap in the area of promotion rates. EAP rating = 10 points
  • Percentage of female employees having benefited from a pay raise within one year of returning to work after maternity leave if pay raises were granted during their absence. EAP rating = 15 points
  • Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest salaries. EAP rating = 5 points

The overall rating is 87/100. 

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