Damaged or lost baggage / Lost & Found
The last airline to convey the baggage or the lost property office of the handling agent that has looked after your flight is responsible for dealing with damaged or lost baggage.
The handling agents AIR FRANCE and SWISSPORT are represented at EuroAirport. Our List of Airlines shows which airline is served by which handling agent.

Arrivals hall French sector and hall 1, level 2
from France 09 69 39 36 54
from Switzerland 0848 747 100
from Germany 069 29 99 37 72
Declaration of lost luggage: airfrance.fr/missing-baggage-claim
Online lost & found status query: www.worldtracer.aero
Forgotten object on board an aircraft: airfrance.franceobjetstrouves.fr/annonce/objets-perdus

Arrivals hall international sector
Phone (Mon-Sun 07.00 - 21.00):
from Switzerland 0848 555 200 (subject to charges)
from other countries +41 (0)848 555 200 (subject to charges)
Declaration of lost luggage: missing-bag.swissport.com or on the airline’s website
Online lost & found status query: missing-bag.swissport.com
Email: bsl.lostbag@swissport.com
Forgotten object on board an aircraft: swissport.found.center/bsl
Email: bsl.lostproperty@swissport.com
Take good care of your air ticket and baggage receipts, since the handling agent will need these documents should anything happen to your baggage (damage or loss).
Objects found
For objects lost at the airport or in the car parks of EuroAirport, please apply to the Airport Service Center. Any object found at the airport is kept for 3 months and can be picked up every day from 06.00h - 23.00h for a fee of € 5.00 / CHF 5.00 and upon presentation of identification. For organisational reasons, please contact the Service Center at least 24 hours before the requested collection date under the indicated phone numbers.
For objects left behind in the aircraft, please apply to the appropriate airline or handling agent (see above).