Air traffic and the environment
Active policy for reduction of environmental pollution

The Airport is aware that longer-term and sustained operation will only be possible if environmental pollution can be controlled and kept within limits. It therefore in 1996 voluntarily created a pioneer Environmental Charter in consultation with a trinational working group representing the interested parties. In the charter it committed itself to a number of important measures for the improvement of environmental pollution. These measures have since then largely been realized.
The measures for noise control include, in particular, the restriction of flight operating times, the monitoring of aircraft noise and the use of runways and air space using the CIEMAS environmental monitoring system, differentiated tariff measures as well as the construction of a Silencer for engine testing.
Nevertheless a genuine environmental policy must not confine itself to noise. It also has to keep soil, air and water pollution under control and limit it as far as technically and economically reasonable and possible.
The Airport has therefore made a number of substantial investments in these areas. They include, in particular, the construction of up-to-date boiler houses and a combined heat-and-power-installation, a pretreatment plant for industrial wastewater and the introduction of an up-to-date waste disposal concept.
All together these measures form an ambitious environmental programme which the Airport intends to pursue unremittingly.
Strict controls

Not only air traffic but also the extensive service and maintenance work carried out give rise to emissions of noise and harmful substances. The Airport is therefore subject to strict legislation and supervision by the competent authorities. Regular controls by the environmental department and monitoring with special sensors ensure that the relevant regulations are complied with.
Active and transparent information
While the business community and air passengers from the region who use the Airport above all enjoy the advantages of air traffic, the residents close to the Airport are mainly exposed to environmental pollution due to flight operation.
In addition to the material efforts for environmental protection, the Airport must therefore ensure the reciprocal exchange of information by suitable means.
For this purpose it publishes the quarterly Environmental Bulletins and makes further information available on its Internet home page. Furthermore, the Airport is a member of the three official environmental commissions - the French Commission Consultative de l’Environnement, the Fluglärmkommission of the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, as well as the Tripartite Environmental Commission in which equally entitled delegations from all three adjoining countries, from political life, the business community and the public, are represented.
EuroAirport has recently made available two new tools:

Thanks to TraVis, the public can now follow flight tracks and noise data online for aircraft taking off and landing at Basel-Mulhouse Airport.

Statistics on noise and aircraft movements can be found on WebReporting.