The EMT Project

One of the Airport’s key concerns is to improve service quality for passengers. The last terminal building conversion was carried out from 2000 to 2002 with the construction of a Y-shaped finger dock and the extensions of the main building towards the north and south. Today, the Airport is facing a new situation:
- During peak times, there are regular signs of congestion in the terminal.
- Increasingly stringent security requirements in recent years have led to passenger routes becoming more complex.
Given these changes and due to the uncertainties associated with the further evolution of passenger traffic as a result of the pandemic, the Airport decided to realise the “EMT” Project (French Evolution Modulaire du Terminal, Modular Development of the Terminal). The EMT Project is divided into independent modules that allow the terminal infrastructure to be adapted gradually and flexibly. The first step is to renovate the publicly accessible area.
With its two main objectives, the EMT Project is in line with the Airport’s EAP 23 Strategy:
- Qualitative improvement of the Airport's terminal infrastructure to ensure optimal service quality for passengers, visitors and operational partners (airlines, ground handling companies). This includes a well-designed, simple and intuitive passenger experience, a range of commercial services and catering that meets passengers’ expectations as well as greater flexibility and efficiency in operational procedures.
- Modular Development of the Terminal: Infrastructural adjustments are planned in the form of modules. This approach makes it possible to react flexibly to changing framework conditions and to prioritise investments over time in line with the Airport's current requirements.
The Airport is now starting the preparatory work for the first module of the EMT Project, a new building with a surface of 14.000 m² on the publicly accessible east façade of the terminal. In doing so, passenger security checkpoints will be concentrated within a new building, and passenger routes will be made simpler and more intuitive. At the same time, catering offers as well as the duty-free area can be made more attractive. In parallel, renovation works are to be carried out over a surface of around 15.000 m² of the existing terminal. Terminal access will also be reorganised as part of these construction works.
Construction work is scheduled for completion towards the end of the current decade.
In the meantime, the Airport will carry out an action plan to improve service quality by means of targeted measures by 2026. Some projects may be noticed already (renovation of the arrival zone, self-bag drop-off, redesign of baggage carousel no. 6), while others are still in the planning stage (redesign of the catering facilities, renovation of sanitary facilities, signage, improvement of the boarding areas, etc.).