Executive Commitee
Matthias SUHR: Managing Director
Marc STEUER: Deputy Managing Director
Elodie CAIZERGUES: HR Director
Philippe GAUTHIER: Infrastructure Director
Thomas KIEBER: Digitalisation & Procedures Director
Monica LINDER-GUARNACCIA: Marketing Director
Werner PARINI: Operations Director
Dominique SENGELIN: Finance & Legal Director
Board of Directors
French delegation
Luc GAILLET: President of the Board of Directors, Elected member of the Alsace Eurometropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry – South Alsace and Mulhouse Delegation, President of the Commissions for Industry (Alsace) and for Land Planning and Infrastructure (South Alsace Mulhouse)
Daniel ADRIAN: Alsace Councillor, representative of the European Collectivity of Alsace (ECA)
Daniel CHOUCHENA: Representative of the French Aviation Authority (DGAC)
Patrick CAZIN-BOURGUIGNON: Deputy Regional Director of Environment, Land Management and Housing of the Grand Est Region (DREAL Grand Est)
Jérome GREFFE: Deputy Director for Aviation, representative of the Direction générale de l'Aviation civile (DGAC)
Fabian JORDAN: President of Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération
Philippe KNIBIELY: First Deputy Mayor of Saint-Louis
Gilbert STIMPFLIN: Representative of the Alsace Eurometropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), President of the South Alsace and Mulhouse Delegation of the Alsace Eurometropolitan CCI
Swiss delegation
Raymond CRON: Vice-President of the Board of Directors, Representative of Canton Basel-Landschaft
Jan BITTEL: Co-Head of the Economic Affairs Division, Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA)
Esther KELLER: State Councillor for Canton Basel-Stadt, Head of Building and Transport Department
Daniel EGLOFF: Representative of Canton Basel-Stadt
Thomas KÜBLER: Representative of Canton Basel-Landschaft
Kaspar SUTTER: State Councillor for Canton Basel-Stadt, Head of Department for Economic, Social, and Environmental Affairs of Canton Basel-Stadt
Caroline STEINER: Representative of Canton Basel-Stadt
Francine ZIMMERMANN: Co-Head of the Aviation Policy and Strategy Division of the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA)
Financial controllers
Jean-Marc DELION: French financial controller
Marcel ZUCKSCHWERDT: Swiss financial controller
Members with an advisory role
Stefan BREITER: Finanzbürgermeister (Mayor in charge of finances) of Freiburg-im-Breisgau
Carsten GABBERT: President of the Regierungspräsidium (presidency of the government) of Freiburg
Michel PROBST: Former Minister for the Economy and Cooperation of the Republic and Canton Jura
Thierry QUEFFELEC : Prefect of Haut-Rhin
Secretary to the Board of Directors
Patricia MARTINET: Head of the Office of the President and Vice-President
Tripartite Consultative Committee (Beirat)
German delegation
Eberhard LIEBHERR: President of IHK Südlicher Oberrhein
Thomas CONRADY: President of IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee
Marion DAMMANN: District Administrator ot the county of Lörrach
Carsten GABBERT: President of the Regierungspräsidium (presidency of the government) of Freiburg
Hans Bodo HARTMANN: President IG EuroAirport Südbaden
Martin HORN: Lord Mayor of the City of Freiburg im Breisgau
Kirsa KÜLLENBERG: Leiterin Referat 55 Luftverkehr, Ministerium für Verkehr und Infrastruktur Baden-Württemberg
Jörg LUTZ: Lord Mayor of the City of Lörrach
Diana STÖCKER: Mayor of the City of Weil am Rhein
Airport delegation
French members
Luc GAILLET: President of the Board of Directors, Elected member of the Alsace Eurometropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry – South Alsace and Mulhouse Delegation, President of the Commissions for Industry (Alsace) and for Land Planning and Infrastructure (South Alsace Mulhouse)
Fabian JORDAN: President of Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération
Philippe KNIBIELY: First Deputy Mayor of Saint-Louis
Swiss members
Raymond CRON: Vice-President of the Board of Directors, Representative of Canton Basel-Landschaft, President of the Beirat for 2020-2022
Esther KELLER: State Councillor for Canton Basel-Stadt, Head of Building and Transport Department
Kaspar SUTTER: State Councillor for Canton Basel-Stadt, Head of Department for Economic, Social, and Environmental Affairs of Canton Basel-Stadt
Representatives of the Executive Commitee
Matthias SUHR: Managing Director, Secretary of the Beirat
Marc STEUER: Deputy Managing Director
Coopted members
Christian ANTE: Landrat Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald
Last update: January 2025