A look back on 2024 - passenger numbers are almost back to pre-crisis levels
Throughout the year 2024, the Airport welcomed around 8.9 million passengers, an increase of 10.2% compared to the previous year. Passenger numbers reached 98% of the 2019 total. Cargo volumes are returning to pre-crisis levels as well. The Strategic Business Area Industry once again proved robust in 2023.
As of the end of 2024, there were 6 500 jobs across the Airport, of which 428 were directly employed by EuroAirport, the Airport’s operating company. EuroAirport also had a record number of apprentices. The Airport as a whole therefore remains one of the largest employers in the trinational region. The further recovery of air traffic also allowed a further increase in investments in airport infrastructure (maintenance and repair work).
The three Strategic Business Areas
Further recovery of passenger traffic
In 2024, EuroAirport recorded 8.9 million passengers, an increase of 10,2% compared to the previous year. Total passenger volume is 98% of the 2019 figure. After 2019, the year 2024 is thus the second strongest year in the Airport's history.
In 2024, European air traffic was characterised by long delays. The reasons for this included reduced air traffic control capacities and unfavourable meteorological conditions. Nevertheless, operations at EuroAirport generally continued to run smoothly thanks to two innovations: the introduction of slot coordination (level 2) and the exchange of real-time data with the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, Eurocontrol.
The number of total flight movements in 2024 amounted to 94 124 (+6.6%/2023 or -5.2%/2019), of which 73 924 (+7.2%/2023 or -9.2%/2019) were commercial flights.
In 2024, around 30 airlines offered a total of 100 destinations primarily to Europe and the Mediterranean region. Oslo and Dubai are among the new destinations offered via direct flights out of EuroAirport.
Cargo volumes return to pre-crisis levels
Basel-Mulhouse Airport plays a strategic role in cargo-related air traffic within the trinational logistics cluster.
Cargo handling increased during the crisis. In 2024, cargo volumes were still slightly lower than in the previous year, but are gradually approaching pre-crisis levels. Total cargo volume corresponds to 99% of the volume in 2019 (2024: 104 800 tons; 2019: 106 075 tons).
Strategic Business Area Industry remains robust
The third Strategic Business Area, “Industry”, specialised in aircraft maintenance and conversion, was once again robust in 2024. Jet Aviation and AMAC Aerospace both announced substantial investments in their hangars and company facilities over the next few years. The number of jobs at both companies is on the rise as well. The MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) sector is growing worldwide, which benefits the airport platform.
EuroAirport’s industrial center of competence is of global significance and generates one third of all jobs located directly on the airport platform. It consists of five companies – Jet Aviation, AMAC Aerospace, Air Service Basel, Nomad Technics AG and Pilatus.
Focus on service quality and the environment
The three pillars of sustainable development - economic, social and environmental - are taken into account for all the Airport’s decisions. According to the EAP 2023 strategy, there are two key focal areas: improving service quality, while also placing particular emphasis on environmental issues. The two most important priorities for action here are reducing night-time aircraft noise pollution and reducing the Airport’s carbon footprint.
Improving service quality
The Airport decided to realise the “EMT” (Evolution Modulaire du Terminal) project. This will enable EuroAirport’s terminal infrastructure to be expanded and modernised. The project is divided into several independent modules, which allow for a gradual and flexible implementation of the individual modules. The first module, “Landside”, includes an annex to the existing terminal building of around 14 000 m² on the east side, as well as the renovation of 15 000 m² in the existing terminal. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2027, with completion of the new building in 2030/31. In the meantime, the Airport will carry out an action plan to improve service quality by means of targeted measures by 2026. Some projects have already been completed (renovation of the Arrival Zone), others are currently being carried out (reorganisation of the catering facilities) or in their planning stage (renovation of bathroom facilities, signage, improvement of the gate areas, etc.).
Reducing night-time aircraft noise pollution
EuroAirport’s noise strategy focuses on reducing night-time noise emissions (between 22:00 and 06:00) and implementing the measures set out in the new French Noise Prevention Plan 2024-2028 (Plan de Prévention du Bruit dans l’Environnement, PPBE).
In 2024, further progress was made in reducing night-time aircraft noise pollution. Noise pollution after 23:00 was significantly reduced, especially in the north of the Airport (reduction of more than 6 dB(A) between 23:00 and 24:00 since 2019). This is mainly due to the consistent implementation of the measure in force since February 2022 (Decree of August 6, 2021: ban on scheduled departures after 23:00). Improvements are still required in the south; here, the noise situation has improved only slightly since 2019.
As an additional corrective measure, the differentiation of noise-related fees was further tightened as of January 2025, and the dialog with the airlines regarding earlier take-off times was continued.
SAIP Noise Pollution Report 2023
As Switzerland’s third national airport, EuroAirport must periodically provide evidence of noise pollution that occurs over Swiss territory. According to the Swiss Sectoral Aviation Infrastructure Plan (SAIP), a Noise Pollution Report must be provided every three years. Due to the exceeding of the immission limits of the Noise Abatement Ordinance (NAO) observed for the first time in 2019, EuroAirport voluntarily committed to calculating the noise pollution caused by air traffic registered on the airport platform annually, in addition to the regulatory obligation set out in the SAIP.
Due to the pandemic-related traffic decline, noise pollution decreased in 2020 and 2021 and the requirements of the Noise Abatement Ordinance were once again met. In 2022, immission limit exceedances were recorded again over Swiss territory.
The most recent Noise Pollution Report refers to the year 2023. Immission limit values between 22:00 and 23:00 as well as 23:00 and 24:00 were exceeded once again. The full report can be read here.
The introduced measures (dialog with airlines regarding earlier take-off times, higher noise-related fees, ACNUSA fines, measures set out in the Noise Prevention Plan 2024-2028) should reduce noise pollution levels in the period between 23:00 and 24:00 to below the noise immission limits in Switzerland in the medium term. In the first night-time hour (22:00-23:00), further analysis and actions resulting from this analysis are required.
The percentage of landings from the south at EuroAirport as of the end of 2024
The percentage of landings from the south (ILS 33, Instrument Landing System) amounts to 11.8% for 2024 (previous year: 13.9%). This means that the 2024 figure is well above the threshold value of 10 percent such as defined in the administrative agreement of February 10, 2006 on runway use. Out of a total of 38 019 IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) landings (previous year: 34 953), 4 479 (previous year: 4 847) took place from the south on runway 33. Just as in the previous years, higher values were recorded during spring and summer in particular.
Reducing CO2 emissions
The Airport is taking action on two levels. Firstly, it is committed to reducing its own CO2 emissions. Secondly, EuroAirport will work with all relevant stakeholders across the Airport to reduce the airport platform’s overall emissions.
In fall 2021, EuroAirport set itself the voluntary target of "net zero emissions" by 2030 at the latest for CO2 emissions for which the airport operator is responsible and which it can therefore influence directly. The measures to achieve this ambitious goal continued to be pursued in 2024, in particular the preparations for the new biomass central heating plant that will be built on the Airport’s premises.
Basel-Mulhouse Airport is working with all relevant stakeholders across the Airport to take various steps to reduce the airport platform’s overall CO2 emissions. On the one hand, this is part of a comprehensive mobility concept involving all airport partners in order to make landside access to the Airport more fossil-free. The new EuroAirport-Lörrach bus line, which opened in December 2024, also fits into this overall concept. On the other hand, the approach includes offering targeted incentives for airlines to use the most modern aircraft at EuroAirport.
Outlook 2025
A new team of Directors at EuroAirport
EuroAirport is pleased to welcome the Airport’s new Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director during the next few months. On April 1, Tobias Markert will join EuroAirport in his new role as Managing Director. Renaud Paubelle will start his function as Deputy Managing Director on July 1. Both bring many years of experience in the aviation industry, and the Airport would like to wish them a successful start in their new roles.
Development prospects
With 9.2 million passengers budgeted for 2025, the pre-crisis figures will be slightly exceeded. Investments totalling 44 million Euro are also planned, primarily in the areas of service quality and the environment (e.g. installation of photovoltaic systems).
The main focus is set on actions to improve service quality. The redesign of the Airport's catering facilities will be completed by 2025. New restaurants are currently being opened successively, with a completely new range of offers likely being available in April 2025.
The Airport expects the Strategic Business Area Cargo to return to pre-pandemic levels. The year 2025 will be a particular one for the cargo sector at EuroAirport, with the state of the art Cargo Terminal celebrating its 10th anniversary. This modern facility guarantees efficient delivery and cargo handling processes as well as - especially for the pharmaceutical industry - consistent temperature control in a range from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius throughout the entire hall.
The Strategic Business Area Industry is expected to continue to develop stably. Major planned projects will be continued.
Further preparations will be made in 2025 for two major projects that are crucial for the Airport:the construction work for the annex to the existing terminal , which is planned to start in 2027, and the runway refurbishment, which is scheduled for 2026. In the next stage of the rail connection project, the Airport will be involved in the continuation of the planning work.
EuroAirport is already looking forward to serving as a gateway for the Eurovision Song Contest and the UEFA Women's EURO, which will be held in the city of Basel in 2025, and to contributing to an even stronger welcoming culture in the Tri-Border Area.