Flying from EuroAirport in Summer 2021
Traveling is now possible again with the easing of restrictions in the summer. Yet things are not quite the way they used to be.
Plan a holiday, visit your family abroad, or see friends again. This is now possible again with the easing of travel restrictions in the summer. EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg will serve 100 destinations with direct flights this summer. Yet things are not quite the way they used to be. Travel restrictions remain in force and additional controls are still required. This will inevitably lead to longer queues at check points both for incoming and outgoing passengers. Accordingly, travellers are strongly advised to get to the airport well in advance of their flight.
EuroAirport expects to see a strong upturn in traffic during the summer holiday season. Over 25 airlines are offering flights to some 100 destinations this summer. Despite the easing of travel restrictions, significant differences still exist in the various pandemic-driven control requirements. National requirements and prescriptions are challenging in terms of implementation especially for a bi-national airport like Basel-Mulhouse. Moreover, EuroAirport has limited space at its disposal. These factors lead to waiting lines on a scale that did not exist before the corona pandemic. EuroAirport asks travellers to show understanding.
Facilitated travel for vaccinated passengers
Many European countries now permit fully vaccinated persons to travel without additional PCR or antigen tests. EuroAirport is currently coordinating the implementation of vaccination certificate controls with its local partners in consultation with the authorities in charge.
PCR and rapid antigen tests at the Terminal
The Airport has set up a high-performance testing centre in the Terminal for passengers who need a negative COVID test for their trip. The centre offers PCR tests (with results within 90 minutes, or the same day) and rapid anitgen tests (results in 15 minutes). Booking in advance is strongly advised and can be done online on the Airport website. Test results comply with international air travel standards.
Relaxed and safe travel at EuroAirport
EuroAirport and its partners are in the process of preparing the necessary measures for the best possible implementation of police and sanitary requirements. Because of the specific legal position of the bi-national airport, primarily French health regulations are applied at EuroAirport. Passengers who are Swiss nationals or hold a Swiss residence permit and are entering or leaving Switzerland are exempt from these French regulations. In their case, the corresponding Swiss regulations apply. They have shown sanitary documents before boarding and don’t have any sanitary control at EuroAirport. This is the reason why a triage is required at arrival to separate Swiss residents and non-residents. That’s why longer waiting lines are to be expected.
Furthermore, all other passengers regardless of their nationality will be asked to show a negative test result or proof of vaccination. Passengers without proof of vaccination arriving from risk countries classified as “orange” by the French authorities (Info Coronavirus Covid-19 - Déplacements | – at the airport, these destinations are for instance Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Turkey -, the French authorities may order random rapid antigen tests. All these controls take a certain time, and travellers are asked to show patience and understanding.
French residents should know that flights within metropolitan France, from and to Basel-Mulhouse, are considered as domestic flights. In this case, no test is required (with the exception of flights to Corsica).
Persons who choose to travel should be aware that national travel prescriptions may change at any time depending on the circumstances. Basel-Mulhouse Airport is implementing all regulatory measures to ensure travellers a safe and pleasant stay at the Airport. These measures include social distancing, visitor guidance, signage, precautionary systems, as well as cleaning and disinfection. You will find a summary of the measures put in place at EuroAirport on the Internet. Moreover, additional staff is being hired to optimise the management of passenger flows. EuroAirport will publish the relevant information on its website to ensure passengers are informed about the latest travel prescriptions.
To enjoy a relaxed travel experience, passengers are strongly advised to arrive at the Airport in good time, i.e. at least three hours before their flight. The Airport wishes all passengers a relaxed and safe travel experience.